General Information
Heavy vehicle and commercial licences
We partner with Brisbane Truck School at Wynnum North to assess the impact of a medical condition on your ability to drive a heavy vehicle.
Clients must NOT have had a seizure in the last 10 years.
Order of classes (lowest to highest):
- Light rigid (up to 8 tonne GVM)
- Medium rigid (over 8 tonne GVM, no more than 2 axles)
- Heavy rigid (over 8 tonne GVM with more than 2 axles); can progress straight to HR if you have held a C class for 2 years; can have manual HR or condition of automatic (“A”) HR.
- Heavy combination (prime mover + one trailer);
- Multi-combination (prime mover + two or more trailers)
- For HC and MC: order of engine type (lowest to highest): syncromesh (normal manual) -> non-synchromesh (referred to as road ranger / crash box / 18 speed)
Motorbike licence (RE and R class) and trike
We partner with Cycle Right at Ransome (near Manly West / Birkdale) to complete motorbike tests.
- Check your Q-Ride eligibility:
- Must have held C class licence for 1 year prior to obtaining RE
- RE learners process is 3 day course; must be on learners for 3 months and then complete Q-Ride test
- RE LAMs (learner approved motorcycle) motorcycle 2 or 3 wheels, maximum engine capacity 660cc, maximum power to weight ratio 150kW/tonne; must hold RE for 2 years to upgrade to R class
- R: motorcycle 2 or 3 wheels, with unlimited engine size.
What is involved in an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment?
1.5 hour Clinical Assessment: (Client and OT Driver Assessor)
- medical /disability history and medications
- driving history
- physical, cognitive and vision function screen
- road law knowledge screen
2 hour practical assessment: (client, OT driver assessor and specialised driving instructor)
Note: Driving Well OT partners with about half a dozen specialised driving instructors who are independent business owners; the driving instructor is selected and booked, based on geographical location, type of service, anticipated match, and availability.
- The practical assessment is a drive in the specialised driving instructor’s car, with the driving instructor in the front passenger seat, and the OT Driver Assessor in the rear left seat. The drive usually commences from your home.
- An open or local area licence can be considered.
- The practical drive is a test of driving performance in the following areas:
- observation skills
- speed control
- planning and judgement
- vehicle positioning
- physical control and reaction time
- insight into driving performance
- The OT Driver Assessor will talk with the Driving Instructor at the end of the drive, to determine the outcome of the assessment.
- The assessment CANNOT be completed in the client’s own vehicle, as it does not have dual controlled brakes and this may not be safe for the client, OT Driver Assessor, Driving Instructor or the community. Every OT driving assessment will be completed in the driving instructor’s car with dual controls, so the driving instructor can intervene if there is an emergency situation.
Intake / Referral
You have a medical condition / injury / disability and discussed driving with your GP. Your GP has requested that you complete the occupational therapy driving assessment to help them determine whether they can provide medical clearance for you to continue driving or return to driving a heavy vehicle (eg HR, HC, MC truck, forklift) or motorbike.
Overall Process: Commercial Vehicle
Already returned to C class driving:
- You have a QLD Transport Medical Certificate for C class
- You need a GP referral and QTMC for heavy vehicle driving assessment
- May have had OT driving assessment for C class: (we need the report) – you likely only need a 2 hour practical heavy vehicle test
- No previous OT driving assessment: you will need a full off-road and C class OT driving assessment FIRST, before proceeding to a heavy vehicle on-road assessment.
Not yet returned to C class driving post injury/illness:
- Up to GP/Specialist to determine if you can progress straight to a heavy vehicle assessment.
- Usually:
- First, you will have a C class OT driving assessment (off-road and on-road) with dual controlled vehicle; if no issues, return to C class driving
- Continue with heavy vehicle on-road OT driving assessment (practical test)
Overall Process: Motorbike (R / RE class)
Already returned to C class driving:
- You have a QLD Transport Medical Certificate for C class
- You need a GP referral and QTMC for RE/R riding assessment
- May have had OT driving assessment for C class: (we need the report) – you likely only need a 2 hour practical riding test
- No previous OT driving assessment: you will need a full off-road and C class OT driving assessment FIRST before proceeding to on-road OT riding assessment
Not yet returned to C class driving post injury/illness:
- Usually:
- First, you will have a C class OT driving assessment (off-road and on-road) with dual controlled vehicle; if no issues, return to C class driving
- Continue with motorbike on-road OT riding assessment (practical test)
Paperwork Required
Please ensure you have uploaded copies of the following documents to your Client Portal and have them available on the day:
1. Current Driver’s Licence:
- Please check the expiry date on your driving licence.
- If your driving licence is not current, take your medical certificate to the Transport Department to get a temporary licence – this will cost about $87 for 12 months.
- You cannot drive in the driving assessment without a valid licence.
3. Current QLD Transport Medical Certificate (QTMC):
- This is a QLD Transport requirement
- Obtain this from your GP, stating “medically stable for purpose of OT driving assessment / driving lessons only”. Must state class of vehicle you wish to drive (ie HR / HC / MC / R)
- You will need to take this QTMC for processing to QLD Transport prior to your appointment.
3. GP Referral / Medical History
4. Optometrist Report if required by Doctor
5. If relevant: hospital discharge summary / other medical/allied health reports
What is involved in an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment?
1.5 hour Clinical Assessment:
- medical /disability history and medications
- driving history
- physical, cognitive and vision function screen
- road law knowledge screen
After client has passed a C-class On-road Practical Assessment:
2 hour Practical Assessment (Truck)
The practical assessment is a drive in the desired class truck, with the heavy vehicle driving instructor and the OT Driver Assessor (with additional heavy vehicle qualification) in the vehicle. The drive commences from Brisbane Truck School at Wynnum North.
- The practical drive is a test of driving performance in the following areas:
- observation skills
- speed control
- planning and judgement
- vehicle positioning
- physical control and reaction time
- insight into driving performance
- overall truck vehicle control
- associated work tasks: pre-driving checks, climbing in/out of cab; for HC/MC: coupling/decoupling, attaching hoses, winding legs, tug test etc
- The OT Driver Assessor will talk with the Driving Instructor at the end of the drive, to determine the outcome of the assessment.
After client has passed a C-class On-road Practical Assessment:
2 hour Practical Assessment (Motorbike)
- The practical assessment is a drive with the desired class motorbike (R / RE)
- Track skills on a concrete closed circuit track: laps, curves/bends, start/stop manoeuvers, weaving and slalom manoeuvers.
- Discussion / refresher theory session regarding motorbike positioning, buffer zones, hazard avoidance, and overall safe attitudes for motorbike riding
- If deemed appropriate by the riding instructor, proceed to on-road riding assessment: instructor up front, with client following, and OTDA following in car observing riding performance.
- Stop 1 – 2 times throughout the ride to discuss progress/performance with instructor and OTDA
- The practical drive is a test of driving performance in the following areas:
- observation skills
- speed control
- planning and judgement
- vehicle positioning
- physical control and reaction time
- insight into driving performance
- Overall motorbike vehicle control
The OT Driver Assessor will talk with the Driving Instructor at the end of the drive, to determine the outcome of the assessment.
Possible Outcomes
For every OT driving assessment, there are three possible outcomes:
“Pass”: medical condition is not impacting on driving and therefore safe to continue driving
“Driving program”: client has not yet passed
- Requires lessons / refresher sessions with the heavy vehicle / riding instructor to attempt to address concerns seen in the initial on-road assessment
- An on-road re-assessment is usually required after the lessons.
- Lessons and re-assessment are at additional cost.
“Fail”: medical condition is impacting on driving and no longer safe, and recommendation that the licence will be cancelled and the person is recommended to retire from driving.
After the Assessment
1. OT Driving Assessment Report
Your OT Driver Assessor will complete a medicolegal report regarding the outcome of the assessment and recommendations – this will be sent to your referring doctor (usually your GP), Medical Conditions Reporting Unit at QLD Transport, the driving instructor and any other relevant parties determined during the assessment (eg Support Coordinator, NDIS, other insurer).
We aim to complete the report within 5 BUSINESS DAYS and we usually send the report to the GP/Doctor through the “Medical Objects” portal or via email.
2. See your GP
- Book an appointment to see your GP/Specialist for at least 5 BUSINESS DAYS following the driving assessment.
- Make arrangements (family/friend/taxi/public transport) to attend your GP/Specialist appointment.
- The GP/Specialist will review the report, and if they are in agreement with the recommendations (in pass and rehab outcomes), they will provide you an updated QLD Transport Medical Certificate.
3. Go to QLD Transport
Make arrangements to go to QLD Transport (family/friend/taxi/public transport) and take your updated QLD Transport Medical Certificate for processing.
4. Next steps
If you have passed the assessment and been to the Transport office, you can now drive.
If you are recommended lessons and been to the Transport office, you can commence the lessons.
5. Re-assessment
- When a driving program (lessons) is required, the OT driver assessor will talk with the heavy vehicle / riding instructor and book the re-assessment at the end of the driving program (or earlier if the client is ready).
- The on-road re-assessment follows the same process as the first on-road assessment.
- The “three possible outcomes” of a driving assessment remain.
- There are no guarantees that a client will pass following a driving program.
- The OT driver assessor will complete another report and send this with recommendations to the GP.
- If you have passed, you will need to see your GP again, for the GP to review the report and if they agree, they will provide an upgraded QLD Transport Medical Certificate.
- You must then take the upgraded QLD Transport Medical Certificate to QLD Transport for processing – then you can drive / ride.
Drive Focus has won awards in Australia!
- Finalist for Best Assistive Technology Product at Australian Disability Services Awards, November 2022
- Winner of Technology Category at Australian Road Safety Awards, June 2021
This is a fantastic app (on apple ipad or android tablet only), that helps to focus your visual searching skills for driving. The app is American but has Brisbane and Melbourne real-life driving videos, where you have to tap on all the “critical items” during the drive.If you need to buy a tablet device, the android version of the app has more functionality (with easier to read “review your score”, email your results to your OT, and also has the Melbourne tour available now).
The app costs about $20AUD and was developed by a driving OT and researcher in America and has had research studies that show it helps to reduce driving errors. It is “brain training for driving”!
Here is a one-minute video about the app: Watch the video
We encourage all of our drivers to purchase and practice using this app – you will really find that it helps to improve your alertness on the road.