Driving Well Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Driving and Vehicle Modifications Assessments to Support Safe Community Access

Need help with your driving?
Driving Well Occupational Therapy
Driving Well
Jenny Gribbin

Director & OT Driver Assessor

Driving Well Occupational Therapy is a busy practice that provides OT driving assessment and vehicle modification services for people with medical conditions and injuries in Brisbane, Ipswich and northern Gold Coast.

We service clients who are self-funding, NDIS and other compensable (WorkCover, NIISQ, TAC, iCare).

Jenny Gribbin (Director / OT Driver Assessor) is actively involved in the OT Australia (QLD) Driving Special Interest Group, and she is sought after to speak at various department in-services and conferences.

Jenny’s personal values are “kindness and passion” and she loves continuous development to be a great clinician and a leader for her team and the greater OT driver assessor network (within Brisbane/QLD and Australia). Jenny is passionate about sharing knowledge and participating in and providing supervision

Jenny has developed national and international contacts and has innovated to bring a new “Potential to Drive” approach for young people with ASD, and worked with Dr Miriam Monahan to bring the “Drive Focus” app to Australia. This is an incredible evidence-based tool designed to develop Visual Search skills and can benefit all drivers.

Driving Well Occupational Therapy work with the following client groups:

  • Older clients with general frailty/ageing, physical/functional problems, memory loss etc
  • Clients with chronic health conditions eg diabetes
  • Clients with neurological conditions eg stroke, Parkinsons, spinal cord injury
  • Clients with orthopaedic injuries eg amputations, hand and shoulder injuries, back injuries
  • Younger/learner drivers with physical impairments such as cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury
  • Younger/learner drivers with learning difficulties eg Aspergers and Autism
  • We don’t accept referrals for clients with mental health diagnoses.
Driving and Vehicle Modification Assessments
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Vehicle Modifications Approved
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Driving Lessons Approved
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We Work With the Following Client Groups
  • Older clients with general frailty & ageing, physical & functional problems, memory loss etc.
  • Clients with chronic health conditions for example diabetes
  • Clients with neurological conditions for example stroke, Parkinsons, spinal cord injury
  • Clients with orthopaedic injuries for example amputations, hand and shoulder injuries, back injuries
  • Younger & learner drivers with physical impairments such as cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury
Our Learning Hubs
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Senior Drivers

This course is designed for senior drivers (and their families) who may be required to undergo an OT driving assessment.

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Learner Drivers

This is a therapy program and resource package to use with learner drivers, after they have completed a “Potential to Drive” assessment with an OT driver assessor.

Hi Drivingwell Learner
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Driving OTs and General OTs

“Is my young adult person ready for driving?”
Short online course – coming soon!

Hi Drivingwell Returning
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Upcoming Workshops and Coaching
  • “Potential to Drive” workshop – for Driving OTs and specialised driving instructors: 15th and 17th March
  • Small group coaching program – potential to drive approach for driving OTs
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Our Partners
Accreditations & Awards

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